300 size Micro Heli fuselages/bodies
Darth's Heli bodies ultimate website
450 size scale fuselages
450 size fuselages page 2
450 size canopies
MicroHeli bodies
Honeybee King 2 AXE CP Bodies
Walkera 4#3,5g6,4G3,4g6 Novus, MSR
Corona Canopies and bodies, ECO 8, Micro Coaxial
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How to order
Blade CP/ Cpp, HoneyBee CP2 CP3, FP, Blade SR
How to order: Add Kit price and shipping (US orders) and paypal total to Darthdrk@juno.com via Https://www.paypal.com Include item description and exact mailing address.
Flat shipping fee to US Addresses is $7.00 for the micro heli bodies (priority with delivery confirmation) Ordering multiple bodies Email for shipping and multiple order discount pricing
International orders email me at Darthdrk@juno.com for shipping quote. For international orders its best to also include a contact phone and or fax number
Note: all bodies come unfinished, unpainted and unassembled. Landing gear is not included in kits. Some kits will require balsa material to make stabilizers and fins.
Genuine Super-Skids LG Mounts available
Use these recommended Genuine Super-Skids Landing gear mounts to mount your chassis to Your wheeled landing gear plates or even to regular struts and skids. Made especially for the Blade CP and Honeybee CP2 Airframes. One pair at the cost of $6.00 (front and rear mounts) I have limited supply